What Do the Majority of Hetero Married Women in Your Country or Culture Do?

I keep finding interesting articles and mentions here and there about how other countries and cultures handle surnames post marriage. The New York Times survey article sum-up quoted one woman as stating that most women in China don't change their names upon marriage. The NYT dedicated an entire article to that subject here: For Chinese Women, a Surname is Her Name. The article states:

But in China, as in other Asian societies shaped by Confucian values, including Korea and Vietnam, women traditionally retain their surname at marriage. This is an expression not of marital equality, Chinese feminists are quick to note, but of powerful patriarchal values. A married woman continues to be identified by her father’s lineage.

Chinese folk art painting of a wedding

Chinese folk art painting of a wedding

The article noted that as a result, women were often left out of genealogical records. But in 1930, China gave women the legal right to take her husband's name at marriage in the new Civil Code.

In contrast, in Japan, all married couples are legally required to use one surname. 96 percent of women assume their husbands' name. Another NYT article (really, New York Times, way to go on the top notch name change coverage lately!)--In Japan, More Women Fight to Use Their Own Surnames--discusses the December 2015 decision by the Japanese Supreme Court that held that the law did not violate the Constitution or place an undue burden on women. 

I'm working to create a Google Sheets file tracking all the laws and traditions of various countries and cultures just so I can start to get a handle on it all. It's accessible here if you'd like to look at it or contribute!

Kitsune no Yomeiri – The Fox Wedding (Learn more about the story behind this painting here - https://hyakumonogatari.com/2013/07/19/kitsune-no-yomeiri-the-fox-wedding/)

Kitsune no Yomeiri – The Fox Wedding (Learn more about the story behind this painting here - https://hyakumonogatari.com/2013/07/19/kitsune-no-yomeiri-the-fox-wedding/)

On the Legal Side: Chinese Laws Relevant to Marital Surname Decisions

Jumping off my post from Monday, check out the actual wording of some of these marital surname laws that have been in place in China. Keep in mind that I'm only using English translations here, so it's entirely possible that some nuance may have been lost in the transition.

The Civil Code of the Republic of China (1930) Article 19 - "If the right to the use of one's name is unlawfully infringed, application may be made to the Court for the suppression of the infringement and for damages."

The New Marriage Law (1950, People's Republic of China) - Article 11 - "Both husband and wife shall have the right to use his or her own family name." Also, check out some more of the propaganda posters from that time period supporting the precepts of the law.

Second Marriage Law of 1980 (People's Republic of China) Article 14 - "Both husband and wife shall have the right to use his or her own surname and given name."

The Only Society in World History Without Marriage

"We know of only one society in world history that did not make marriage a central way of organizing social and personal life, the Na people of China. With that exception, marriage has been, in one form or another, a universal social institution throughout recorded history."  


From Marriage: A History, by Stephanie Coontz


I'm becoming incredibly obsessed with this book. It's simply fascinating.